First, if this is a topic that you’ve never had to engage in here’s probably why:

  1. You live alone, so your standards reign supreme and are not at odds with anyone else.
  2. There are multiple bathrooms and you don’t share with anyone.
  3. People in your household share the same cleanliness etiquette as you.

If any of those reasons are the case, then lucky you! Bathroom etiquette is essential when you share. I don’t just mean change the trash, locked the door, refill the toilet paper, or flush the toilet. There are many ways to improve on bathroom style. The basics are no longer enough, and etiquette require additions. We need to mix and match depending on the people in the household.

Indeed, this is not the topic you constantly nag the people around you with, but cleanliness necessitates that you do. There are shower curtains to clean, floors to sweep and mop, tubs to scrub, and fan filters to clean. A couple of these activities must occur at a max twice a week. If there are kids, then it may require that it occurs more.

There Are Levels To This, So Put People On The Same Level


Each adult has different levels of cleanliness or what they see as dirty. For example, what you see as need to clean now, maybe a “we can wait two more days” to someone else. How do you ensure that there is a scope on cleaning in a timely fashion? Create a calendar or task wheel. Set it to purpose and require that individuals follow it respectively. In particular, this sets a task on a schedule, but the key is too ensure the activity happens not to late and not too early.

Inventory when major areas of the bathroom seem to start showing grime and determine a reasonable level of grime. I know I know not everyone is going to agree, but you can agree that everyone must participate.

Create A Bathroom Chore Calendar or Wheel

If creating a chore calendar or wheel is in your wheelhouse, then this will be the easy part. Otherwise, you may want to start with some research before scheduling activity. The secret to a bathroom chore schedule is to ensure activities or task that are constantly under-performed not performed are on the wheel.

First, there are certain duties that everyone must perform individual. For example, flush the toilet, clean the sink after each use, refill toilet paper, and rise the tub after each use. However, cleaning the walls, tub, baseboards and floors, entire toilet needs to be on the calendar. This level of cleaning normally means pulling out cleaning supplies and brushes to remove grime, dirt, soap scum deposits, and water mole. In summary, these chores require some good ole elbow grease. In short, this is work, but it’s necessary!

The Bottom line, Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness Or It Should Be


If you’ve never heard the saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”, then let me enlighten you. Cleanliness is indicative of goodness and spiritual purity. Indeed, tidiness is important, especially when someone in the household is sick or has surgery. It’s just easier to have a superb level of clean every day. It makes more sense to have cleaning on a cycle, rotating the responsibilities of the activities. In conclusion, strive for perfection, at least you will protect those in your home from bacteria and germs at a level you can control.

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